Aidan Corbett
CEO & Co-Founder @ WayFlyer

Micheal O'Leary
CEO @ RyanAir

Eoghan McCabe
CEO & Co-Founder @ Intercom
Dan Hobbs
CEO of ProtexAI (YCS21), Founder of BetterExaminations
“The incubator programme has benefited BetterExaminations.ie by giving us the opportunity to meet many other like-minded people and other early-stage companies."
Mark Hughes
Founder & CEO Gradguide, Co-Founder & CEO Solidroad
"A big standout moment for me was the Michael O'Leary event at the Ed Burke - really was a massive eye opener that Irish people can build massive, public businesses that are global leaders in their space."
Reading List
Should I be studying a business degree to join TES?
How can I get more involved with TES?
I don't have much interest in startups, should I still join?
Do I need to commit much time to TES?